Manifesting By Letting Go

April 28, 2021

Manifesting By Letting Go

In a previous post, I addressed that LOA savvy creators don’t let their physical reality dictate their vibrational reality.  They do the opposite.  They work on their vibration and then reap the benefits in their physical experience.  And I promised to share with you a tool that will help you do the above.

The tool is ALLOWING (aka ACCEPTANCE).

When we have negative feelings, it’s because of resistance.  It’s because we don’t like something that is happening to us and we are fighting against it.  We are making judgments about something – we are perceiving it as bad.

Richard Dotts, in his book Dissolving the Problem, offers us an opportunity to look at things differently.  What if there were no problems?  Could you suspend your feelings about a perceived problem for 24 hours – in other words, not make a judgment about whether it’s really a problem or not?  How would you feel during that 24 hours? If you can remove judgment about a problem, then you are letting go of resistance to it.  You are then allowing yourself to exist with the issue and not have it be an issue.  This helps you in a number of ways:

  1. It allows you to perceive the issue in an objective way, which can often lead to solutions you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise
  2. It allows you to replace negative thoughts with neutral (if not positive) thoughts, which is key to manifesting something better
  3. It’s good practice in recognizing that a problem is only a problem if we make it that way – one person’s problem is another person’s opportunity
  4. It shows us that we can be “okay” even when we perceive that our physical reality is not

Allowing may be easier said than done, but by practicing it, you will strengthen those vibrational muscles.  In a previous post, I mentioned that my mom had been experiencing declining health over the course of the last several months.  The tool of allowing/acceptance was one of the main factors in my being able to support her through it all without letting it impact my overall vibration.  Was it easy?  No.  Were there times when I let outside circumstances affect my emotions?  Um, yeah.  But I quickly recognized those situations, thought about what I preferred, and reached for thoughts that were consistent with what I preferred.  I allowed the outside circumstances to be different than what they initially appeared to be.

Think about a problem you have right now and challenge yourself for 24 hours to suspend the idea that it is a problem.  It isn’t a problem and it isn’t not a problem.  Just allow it to be. See how you feel after a day.  Let me know in the comments how it goes for you!

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