September 06, 2022
I think we usually do our life reckonings at the end of the calendar year when we take stock of what we accomplished during the previous year and make resolutions for what we want to do in the coming year. Recently, one of my favorite LOA gurus, Jeannette Maw (aka The Good Vibe Coach), brought up the idea of birthdays as a way to mark a year. She noted that most of us grown-ups minimize our birthdays, saying that “it’s just another day” or “Nah, there’s no need to do anything special”. Jeannette tells us that we should celebrate ourselves on our birthdays because we are teaching others and The Universe how we want to be treated! Our birthday is OUR day. It’s our day to treat ourselves, feel really good about ourselves, and celebrate our unique life. Jeannette went on to say that it’s important for attracting the life we want to kick off a new year of life with the things that make us most happy. That will set the tone for the new year.
I’m especially taking this advice to heart today, my 49th birthday because it’s a seminal year for me. It’s hard for me to say (let alone believe) that this year will mark a half-century of living on this planet. So today, as I sit alone with the dog at my feet, pouring rain outside, I’m doing what I most love to do – think, plan, and sip a delicious cup of coffee.
I want my 50th year to be the best year yet. I want to set myself up for a kick-ass second half-century. So here's my 50th year Live Full List (I’m not a fan of the term ‘bucket list’). I may not accomplish all of it this year, but it’s a framework to which I can refer for years to come. I divided it into sections with overarching themes. What is on your birthday year Live Full List? Comment below!
Get strong and keep moving
Relish my connections
Find peace within myself
Be of service
Feed my brain
Feed my spirit
Have loads of fun
Beautify Our Space
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